Our Process

We are sure that even as you explore your options in creating your franchise model, you’re already being hit by feelings of overwhelming workload and sceptical of where to start, who to trust, and what are the costs. We assure you; the process doesn’t need to be overcomplicated and in fact, it is relatively straight forward. Below, you will gage an understanding of the process that will take place once you flick the switch on franchising your business.

Step 1

Business Analysis

We work with you to understand your business and what makes it work, then thoroughly investigate and capture each pivotal part. Our goal is to work closely with you, so that you understand the system that is being set up and have input, every step of the way. Perhaps you don’t know the direction you want to head in? That’s ok, as we are able to provide advise and support to help you make an informed decision.

Step 2

Business Model

Once the business model has been developed through the processes in Step 1, the next step is to let our team work their magic to set your entire system up. From marketing collateral, warehousing, IT systems and operating systems, we set this all up and deliver each component to you in an easy-to-understand format.

Step 3

The Franchise Model

Now that your franchise model and system has been set up, its ready to go to market! We are with you every step of they way. Rolling out your sales marketing plan, obtaining your first enquiries and then managing your new franchisees. We have the ability to be as involved in the hands on operations as you need. Whether that be rolling out your training package, to the best strategies to support your franchisees, we have your back and look forward to your very successful franchisor future.

Free Assessment


Access the Feasibility Form by providing your details in the fields below. The form takes approx 5 minutes to complete and we will provide you with a FREE suitability report prepared by our team within 24 hours.